8 The Israelites worshipedother gods,and the gates of their townswere then attacked.But they had no shieldsor spears to fight with.
9 I praise you, Lord,and I am gratefulfor those leaders and soldierswho volunteered.
10 Listen, everyone!Whether you ride a donkeywith a padded saddleor have to walk.
11 Even those who carry waterto the animals will tell you,“The Lord has won victories,and so has Israel.”Then the Lord's people marcheddown to the town gates
12 and said, “Deborah, let's go!Let's sing as we march.Barak, capture our enemies.”
13 The Lord's people who were leftjoined with their leadersand fought at my side.
14 Troops came from Ephraim,where Amalekites once lived.Others came from Benjamin;officers and leaders camefrom Machir and Zebulun.