11 But the fig tree replied,“I won't stop growingmy delicious fruit,just so my branches can waveabove the other trees.”
12 Next they asked the grape vine,“Will you be our king?”
13 But the grape vine replied,“My wine brings cheerto people and gods.I won't stop making wine,just so my branches can waveabove the other trees.”
14 Finally, they wentto the thornbush and asked,“Will you be our king?”
15 The thornbush replied,“If you really want meto be your king,then come into my shadeand I will protect you.But if you're deceiving me,I'll start a firethat will spread out and destroythe cedars of Lebanon.”After Jotham had finished telling this story, he said:
16-18 My father Gideon risked his life for you when he fought to rescue you from the Midianites. Did you reward Gideon by being kind to his family? No, you did not! You attacked his family and killed all 70 of his sons on that rock.And was it right to make Abimelech your king? He's merely the son of my father's slave girl. But just because he's your relative, you made him king of Shechem.
19 So, you leaders of Shechem, if you treated Gideon and his family the way you should have, then I hope you and Abimelech will make each other very happy.