13 Then all the people of Bethulia, both young and old, hurried to the gate—no one could believe that Judith had returned safely. They opened the gate and greeted Judith and her servant woman. Someone started a bonfire, and everyone gathered around the two women.
14 Judith said, “Shout praises to God for showing mercy to the people of Israel! He helped me destroy our enemies this very night.”
15 She then reached into the bag and pulled out the head and shouted:This is the head of General Holofernes of the Assyrian army, and here is the mosquito net that covered his bed. The Lord used a woman to kill Holofernes while he lay there drunk.
16 My beauty tricked him and led to his death, but as surely as the Lord lives, Holofernes never touched me. I was not disgraced, because the Lord protected me at all times.
17 Everyone was truly amazed. They bowed down and worshiped God by saying, “We praise you, our God. You have disgraced our enemies today.”
18 Uzziah said to Judith:God Most High deserves our praise, because he has blessed you more than any other woman on earth. The same God who created heaven and earth has helped you cut off the head of our enemy's leader.
19 When people tell what mighty things God has done today, they will remember how you trusted him.