14 Let all living creaturesworship the Lord.By his word, he gave them life;his breath created them.Nothing can opposethe Lord's command.
15 Mountains and oceansshake with fear,and rocks melt like wax,when the Lord approaches.But he shows mercy to allwho are faithful to him.
16 It is much betterto obey the Lordthan to offersweet-smelling sacrificesor the fat of choice meat.
17 All nations that oppose Israelwill fall into ruin;the Lord All-Powerfulwill punish themon the day of judgment.Fire and wormswill destroy their bodies,and they will alwaysgroan in pain.
18 When the crowd reached Jerusalem, they immediately got ready to worship God by going through the ceremonies to make themselves clean. Then they offered the required sacrifices to please God, including the voluntary offering and other sacrifices and gifts.
19 Judith brought along all of Holofernes' possessions that the people had given her, and she dedicated them to God. She also gave the mosquito net from the bed of Holofernes as a special offering to keep a promise.
20 Judith stayed in Jerusalem for three months, while she and the people celebrated at the temple.