3 The people had just returned from Babylonia, where they had lived as captives. And they had only recently rededicated the temple, the altar, and the sacred utensils, after they had been made unfit for worshiping the Lord.
4 So the Israelites warned the people living in the territory of Samaria, including the towns of Kona, Beth-Horon, Belmain, Jericho, Choba, and Aesora, and those living in the valley near Salem.
5 Since their fields had already been harvested, they immediately began preparing for war by setting up defenses in the hill country, by fortifying the towns there, and by storing up food.
6 Joakim the high priest was in Jerusalem at the time. He wrote to the people living in Bethulia and Betomesthaim, two towns that face Jezreel Valley not far from Dothan.
7 Joakim wrote, “Set up defenses at once in the mountain passes that lead into Judea. They are wide enough for only two people to use at a time, so you'll easily stop enemy troops from invading.”
8 The Israelites obeyed Joakim and the other leaders of Israel who were meeting together in Jerusalem.
9 All the men of Israel prayed sincerely and went without eating to show their sorrow.