20 The entire Assyrian army, including the foot soldiers, the cavalry, and the soldiers in chariots, had surrounded Bethulia. And after 34 days, the town's water supply was almost gone—
21 every well and cistern was drying up. So each day, drinking water was carefully measured out to make sure everyone had some water to drink. Finally, there was not enough left to go around.
22 The children were getting weak, and all over town young men and women were fainting from thirst. No one had enough strength to survive much longer.
23 Then every person in Bethulia, both young and old, gathered around Uzziah and the other town leaders and shouted:
24 This is all your fault! You decided not to surrender peacefully to the Assyrians. We pray that God will punish you for the trouble you've caused.
25 We are completely helpless, because God has let their powerful army surround us. And now we are exhausted and dying of thirst.
26 Tell the Assyrians you have decided to surrender. Let Holofernes and his troops have our town and take everything we own.