6 then take them into the sacred tent and lay them on the gold table in two rows of six loaves.
7 Alongside each row put some pure incense that will be sent up by fire in place of the bread as an offering to me.
8 Aaron must lay fresh loaves on the table each Sabbath, and priests in all generations must continue this practice as part of Israel's agreement with me.
9 This bread will always belong to Aaron and his family; it is very holy because it was offered to me, and it must be eaten in a holy place.
10-11 Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri from the tribe of Dan, had married an Egyptian, and they had a son. One day their son got into a fight with an Israelite man in camp and cursed the name of the Lord. So the young man was dragged off to Moses,
12 who had him guarded while everyone waited for the Lord to tell them what to do.
13 Finally, the Lord said to Moses: