12 I will walk with you—I will be your God, and you will be my people.
13 I am the Lord your God, and I rescued you from Egypt, so that you would never again be slaves. I have set you free; now walk with your heads held high.
14-15 If you disobey me and my laws, and if you break our agreement,
16 I will punish you terribly, and you will be ruined. You will be struck with incurable diseases and with fever that leads to blindness and depression. Your enemies will eat the crops you plant,
17 and I will turn from you and let you be destroyed by your attackers. You will even run at the very rumor of attack.
18 Then, if you still refuse to obey me, I will punish you seven times for each of your sins,
19 until your pride is completely crushed. I will hold back the rain, so the sky above you will be like iron, and the ground beneath your feet will be like copper.