1 The Lord told Moses
2 to say to the community of Israel:If you ever want to free someone who has been promised to me,
3-7 you may do so by paying the following amounts, weighed according to the official standards:50 pieces of silver for menages 20 to 60,and 30 pieces for women;20 pieces of silverfor young men ages 5 to 20,and 10 piecesfor young women;15 pieces of silver for menages 60 and aboveand 10 pieces for women;5 pieces of silver for boysages 1 month to 5 years,and 3 pieces for girls.
8 If you have promised to give someone to me and can't afford to pay the full amount for that person's release, you will be taken to a priest, and he will decide how much you can afford.
9 If you promise to sacrifice an animal to me, it becomes holy, and there is no way you can set it free.
10 If you try to substitute any other animal, no matter how good, for the one you promised, they will both become holy and must be sacrificed.