5 As soon as you discover that you have committed any of these sins, you must confess what you have done.
6 Then you must bring a female sheep or goat to me as the price for your sin. A priest will sacrifice the animal, and you will be forgiven.
7 If you are poor and cannot afford to bring an animal, you may bring two doves or two pigeons. One of these will be a sacrifice to ask my forgiveness, and the other will be a sacrifice to please me.
8 Give both birds to the priest, who will offer one as a sacrifice to ask my forgiveness. He will wring its neck without tearing off its head,
9 splatter some of its blood on one side of the bronze altar, and drain out the rest at the foot of the altar.
10 Then he will follow the proper rules for offering the other bird as a sacrifice to please me.You will be forgiven when the priest offers these sacrifices as the price for your sin.
11 If you are so poor that you cannot afford doves or pigeons, you may bring one kilogram of your finest flour. This is a sacrifice to ask my forgiveness, so don't sprinkle olive oil or sweet-smelling incense on it.