7 Everyone who sees youwill turn away and shout,“Nineveh is done for!Is anyone willing to mournor to give her comfort?”
8 Nineveh, do you feel saferthan the city of Thebes?The Nile Riverwas its wall of defense.
9 Thebes trusted the mighty powerof Ethiopia and Egypt;the nations of Put and Libyawere her allies.
10 But she was captured and takento a foreign country.Her children were murderedat every street corner.The members of her royal familywere auctioned off,and her high officialswere bound in chains.
11 Nineveh, now it's your turn!You will get drunk and try to hidefrom your enemy.
12 Your fortresses are fig treeswith ripe figs.Merely shake the trees,and fruit will fallinto every open mouth.
13 Your army is weak.Fire has destroyed the crossbarson your city gates;now they stand wide opento your enemy.