31 But you are merciful and kind,and so you never forgot themor let them be destroyed.
32 Our God, you are powerful,fearsome, and faithful,always true to your word.So please keep in mindthe terrible sufferingsof our people, kings, leaders,priests, and prophets,from the time Assyria ruleduntil this very day.
33 You have always been fairwhen you punished usfor our sins.
34 Our kings and leaders,our priests and ancestorshave never obeyed your commandsor heeded your warnings.
35 You blessed them with a kingdomand with an abundanceof rich, fertile land,but they refused to worship youor turn from their evil.
36 Now we are slavesin this fruitful landyou gave to our ancestors.
37 Its plentiful harvest is takenby kings you placed over usbecause of our sins.Our suffering is unbearable,because they do as they wishto us and our livestock.