13 Boaz married Ruth, and the Lord blessed her with a son.
14 After his birth, the women said to Naomi:Praise the Lord! Today he has given you a grandson to take care of you. We pray that the boy will grow up to be famous everywhere in Israel.
15 He will make you happy and take care of you in your old age, because he is the son of your daughter-in-law. And she loves you more than seven sons of your own would love you.
16 Naomi loved the boy and took good care of him.
17 The neighborhood women named him Obed, but they called him “Naomi's Boy.”When Obed grew up he had a son named Jesse, who later became the father of King David.
18-22 Here is a list of the ancestors of David: Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Salmon, Nahshon, Amminadab, Ram, Hezron, and Perez.