3 he said to the man:Naomi has come back from Moab and is selling the land that belonged to her husband Elimelech.
4 I'm telling you about this, since you are his closest relative and have the right to buy the property. If you want it, you can buy it now. These ten men and the others standing here can be witnesses. But if you don't want the property, let me know, because I am next in line.The man replied, “I'll buy it!”
5 “If you do buy it from Naomi,” Boaz told him, “you must also marry Ruth. Then if you have a son by her, the property will stay in the family of Ruth's first husband.”
6 The man answered, “If that's the case, I don't want to buy it! That would make problems with the property I already own. You may buy it yourself, because I cannot.”
7 To make a sale legal in those days, one person would take off a sandal and give it to the other.
8 So after the man had agreed to let Boaz buy the property, he took off one of his sandals and handed it to Boaz.
9 Boaz told the town leaders and everyone else:All of you are witnesses that today I have bought from Naomi the property that belonged to Elimelech and his two sons, Chilion and Mahlon.