2 Kiss me tenderly!Your love is better than wine,
3 and you smell so sweet.All the young women adore you;the very mention of your nameis like spreading perfume.*
4 Hurry, my king! Let's hurry.Take me to your home.We are happy for you!And we praise your loveeven more than wine.Young women of Jerusalem,it is only rightthat you should adore him.
5 My skin is dark and beautiful,like a tent in the desertor like Solomon's curtains.
6 Don't stare at mejust because the sunhas darkened my skin.My brothers were angry with me;they made me work in the vineyard,and so I neglectedmy complexion.
7 My darling, I love you!Where do you feed your sheepand let them rest at noon?Don't let the other shepherdsthink badly of me.I'm not one of those womenwho shamelessly followafter shepherds.
8 My dearest, if you don't know,just follow the pathof the sheep.Then feed your young goatsnear the shepherds' tents.