3 But I had already undressedand bathed my feet.Should I dress againand get my feet dirty?
4 Then my darling's handreached to open the latch,and my heart stood still.
5 When I rose to open the door,my hands and my fingersdripped with perfume.
6 And I yearned for himwhile he spoke to me,but when I opened the door,my darling had disappeared.I searched and shouted,but I could not find him—there was no answer.
7 Then I was found by the guardspatrolling the townand guarding the wall.They beat me upand stripped off my robe.
8 Young women of Jerusalem,if you find the one I love,please say to him,“She is weak with desire.”
9 Most beautiful of women,why is the one you lovemore special than others?Why do you ask usto tell him how you feel?