21 Your care for your people was as sweet as this bread that everyone enjoyed so much.
22 And though the bread was frail as snowflakes, it did not melt in the fiery flames that your enemies saw destroying their crops during the hailstorm.
23 Contrary to nature, the fire did not spread to the crops of your people.
24 All of creation serves you, its Creator, and uses its power to punish those who are evil and to show kindness to those who trust in you.
25 And so on that occasion, the forces of the universe changed the way they work, in order to serve your purpose by answering the prayers
26 of your precious children. This was also your way of teaching them not to depend upon their crops, but rather to depend upon your word, since it takes care of those who trust you.
27 Even the manna that survived the fire then melted in the warmth of the sun.