6 However, the night before our ancestors left Egypt, you warned them of what would happen. So they were able to celebrate, knowing that you would keep your promise
7 to rescue your obedient people and to destroy their enemies, just as they knew you would.
8 By these same events you punished your enemies and rewarded us, your chosen people.
9 At this time also, the wonderful ancestors of our holy nation secretly offered sacrifices to you, and all of them agreed to obey your Law, so that together they would share in the same blessings and dangers. Already they were singing hymns of praise to you,
10 while their enemies cried bitter tears and made mournful sounds over the death of their children.
11 Every family suffered the same punishment, whether they were slaves or slave owners, ordinary people or royalty.
12 In one brief moment, the dearest child in each family died, leaving not even enough people to bury the dead.