10 The wicked will be punished,as their evil thoughts deserve.They rebelled against the Lordand abused his people.
11 They are terribly miserable,because they reject wisdomand sound advice.Their future is hopeless,and everything they dois completely useless.
12 Their wives are foolish;their children are evil
13 and under God's curse.A wife who remains faithfulwill be given childrenat a time that God decides.
14 Men who remain faithful to Godand do good deedswill receive special blessingsand be given honored positionsin the temple of the Lord,even though they may be unableto have children.
15 Remember that good deedsare easily recognized—they are like fruit on a vinethat has wisdom as its roots.
16 But children born to personswho have committedsome terrible sexual sinwill die before they grow up.