13 As soon as we were born,we began to disappearbecause we followed only eviland left behind no tracesof anything good.”
14 Sinners have no more hopethan dust in the wind,or frost in the heat of the sun,or smoke in a breeze.They are remembered no longerthan an overnight guest.
15 The Lord Most Hightakes care of his people;he will reward them,and they will live forever.
16 The Lord will protect themwith his powerful right arm,and he will bless themwith a glorious crown.
17 Eagerness will be like armorfor the Lord, and he will equipall creation to fightand punish his enemies.
18 The Lord will protect his chestwith deeds of fairness,and for a helmet he will wearequal justice for all.
19 Holiness will be his strong shield,