18 about the way a calendaris determined;about the movement of the sunand the changing seasons;
19 about the way the yearscome and go on schedule;about the groups of stars
20 and the way animals behave,both tame and wild;about the motion of the windand the thoughts of humans;about all kinds of plantsand the value of roots.
21 I learned hidden mysteriesand things known to all,
22 because I was taught by Wisdom,who made everything.Wisdom is both intelligentand holy.Though one of a kind,she appears in many formsand is a spiritual beingthat moves freely about.Wisdom is clear and pure,spotless and innocent,and she loves goodness.Wisdom is sharp and victorious,
23 generous, helpful, dependable,and she never worries.Wisdom is all-powerful;she sees everythingand is ever presentwith those who are intelligent,pure, and truly spiritual.
24 Wisdom moves more easilythan anything elseand is so pure that she iseverywhere at once.