6 But now when Timothy came to us from you, and related to us your faith and charity, and that you have a good remembrance of us always, desiring to see us as we also to see you;
7 Therefore we were comforted, brethren, in you, in all our necessity and tribulation, by your faith,
8 Because now we live, if you stand in the Lord.
9 For what thanks can we return to God for you, in all the joy wherewith we rejoice for you before our God,
10 Night and day more abundantly praying that we may see your face, and may accomplish those things that are wanting to your faith?
11 Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.
12 And may the Lord multiply you, and make you abound in charity towards one another, and towards all men: as we do also towards you,