18 In which I was found purified in the temple: neither with multitude, nor with tumult.
19 But certain Jews of Asia, who ought to be present before thee, and to accuse, if they had any thing against me:
20 Or let these men themselves say, if they found in me any iniquity, when standing before the council,
21 Except it be for this one voice only that I cried, standing among them, Concerning the resurrection of the dead am I judged this day by you.
22 And Felix put them off, having most certain knowledge of this way, saying: When Lysias the tribune shall come down, I will hear you.
23 And he commanded a centurion to keep him, and that he should be easy, and that he should not prohibit any of his friends to minister unto him.
24 And after some days, Felix, coming with Drusilla his wife, who was a Jew, sent for Paul, and heard of him the faith, that is in Christ Jesus.