9 And the priest said: Lo, here is the sword of Goliath the Philistine whom thou slewest in the valley of Terebinth, wrapped up in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt take this, take it, for here is no other but this. And David said: There is none like that, give it me.
10 And David arose and fled that day from the face of Saul: and came to Achis the king of Geth:
11 And the servants of Achis, when they saw David, said to him: Is not this David the king of the land? Did they not sing to him in their dances, saying: Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?
12 But David laid up these words in his heart, and was exceedingly afraid at the face of Achis the king of Geth.
13 And he changed his countenance before them, and slipt down between their hands: and he stumbled against the doors of the gate, and his spittle ran down upon his beard.
14 And Achis said to his servants: You saw the man was mad: why have you brought him to me?
15 Have we need of madmen, that you have brought in this fellow, to play the madman in my presence? shall this fellow come into my house?