20 And they came together, and besieged them in the year one hundred and fifty, and they made battering slings and engines.
21 And some of the besieged got out: and some wicked men of Israel joined themselves unto them.
22 And they went to the king, and said: How long dost thou delay to execute the judgment, and to revenge our brethren?
23 We determined to serve thy father and to do according to his orders, and obey his edicts:
24 And for this they of our nation are alienated from us, and have slain as many of us as they could find, and have spoiled our inheritances.
25 Neither have they put forth their hand against us only, but also against all our borders.
26 And behold they have approached this day to the castle of Jerusalem to take it, and they have fortified the stronghold of Bethsura: