3 Be not hasty to depart from his face, and do not continue in an evil work: for he will do all that pleaseth him:
4 And his word is full of power: neither can any man say to him: Why dost thou so?
5 He that keepeth the commandments shall find no evil. The heart of a wise man understandeth time and answer.
6 There is a time and opportunity for every business, and great affliction for man:
7 Because he is ignorant of things past, and things to come he cannot know by any messenger.
8 It is not in man's power to stop the spirit, neither hath he power in the day of death, neither is he suffered to rest when war is at hand, neither shall wickedness save the wicked.
9 All these things I have considered, and applied my heart to all the works that are done under the sun. Sometimes one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.