27 And he understandeth not that his eye seeth all things, for such a man's fear driveth from him the fear of God, and the eyes of men fearing him:
28 And he knoweth not that the eyes of the Lord are far brighter than the sun, beholding round about all the ways of men, and the bottom of the deep, and looking into the hearts of men, into the most hidden parts.
29 For all things were known to the Lord God, before they were created: so also after they were perfected he beholdeth all things.
30 This man shall be punished in the streets of the city, and he shall be chased as a colt: and where he suspected not, he shall be taken.
31 And he shall be in disgrace with all men, because he understood not the fear of the Lord.
32 So every woman also that leaveth her husband, and bringeth in an heir by another:
33 For first she hath been unfaithful to the law of the most High: and secondly, she hath offended against her husband: thirdly, she hath fornicated in adultery, end hath gotten her children of another man.