5 And at the hour of his death he called unto him his son Tobias and his children, seven young men, his grandsons, and said to them:
6 The destruction of Ninive is at hand: for the word of the Lord must be fulfilled: and our brethren, that are scattered abroad from the land of Israel, shall return to it.
7 And all the land thereof that is desert shall be filled with people, and the house of God which is burnt in it, shall again be rebuilt: and all that fear God shall return thither.
8 And the Gentiles shall leave their idols, and shall come into Jerusalem, and shall dwell in it.
9 And all the kings of the earth shall rejoice in it, adoring the King of Israel.
10 Hearken therefore, my children, to your father: serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him:
11 And command your children that they do justice and almsdeeds, and that they be mindful of God, and bless him at all times in truth, and with all their power.