17 A will is used only after a person is dead because it goes into effect only when a person dies.
18 That is why even the first promise was made with blood.
19 As Scripture tells us, Moses told all the people every commandment. Then he took the blood of calves and goats together with some water, red yarn, and hyssop and sprinkled the scroll and all the people.
20 He said, “Here is the blood that seals the promise God has made to you.”
21 In the same way, Moses sprinkled blood on the tent and on everything used in worship.
22 As Moses’ Teachings tell us, blood was used to cleanse almost everything, because if no blood is shed, no sins can be forgiven.
23 The copies of the things in heaven had to be cleansed by these sacrifices. But the heavenly things themselves had to be cleansed by better sacrifices.