3 Indeed, we, too, were once stupid, disobedient, and misled. We were slaves to many kinds of lusts and pleasures. We were mean and jealous. We were hated, and we hated each other.
4 However, when God our Savior made his kindness and love for humanity appear,
5 he saved us, but not because of anything we had done to gain his approval. Instead, because of his mercy he saved us through the washing in which the Holy Spirit gives us new birth and renewal.
6 God poured a generous amount of the Spirit on us through Jesus Christ our Savior.
7 As a result, God in his kindness has given us his approval and we have become heirs who have the confidence that we have everlasting life.
8 This is a statement that can be trusted. I want you to insist on these things so that those who believe in God can concentrate on setting an example by doing good things. This is good and helps other people.
9 Avoid foolish controversies, arguments about genealogies, quarrels, and fights about Moses’ Teachings. This is useless and worthless.