3 “Do not boast⌊or⌋ let arrogance come out of your mouthbecause the Lord is a God of knowledge,and he weighs ⌊our⌋ actions.
4 “The bows of the warriors are broken,but those who stumble are armed with strength.
5 Those who were well-fed hire themselves out for a piece of bread,but those who were hungry hunger no more.Even the woman who was childless gives birth to seven children,but the mother of many children grieves all alone.
6 “The Lord kills, and he gives life.He makes ⌊people⌋ go down to the grave, and he raises them up ⌊again⌋.
7 The Lord causes poverty and grants wealth.He humbles ⌊people⌋; he also promotes them.
8 He raises the poor from the dust.He lifts the needy from the trash heapin order to make them sit with noblesand even to make them inherit a glorious throne.“The pillars of the earth are the Lord’s.He has set the world on them.
9 He safeguards the steps of his faithful ones,but wicked people are silenced in darknessbecause humans cannot succeed by their own strength.