14 But as long as I live, ⌊promise me that you will⌋ show me kindness because of the Lord. And even when I die,
15 never stop being kind to my family. The Lord will wipe each of David’s enemies off the face of the earth.
16 At that time, if Jonathan’s name is cut off from David’s family, then may the Lord punish David’s house.”
17 Once again Jonathan swore an oath to David because of his love for David. He loved David as much as ⌊he loved⌋ himself.
18 “Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival,” Jonathan told him, “and you will be missed when your seat is empty.
19 The day after tomorrow you will be missed even more. So go to the place where you hid on that other occasion, and stay by the rock.
20 I will shoot three arrows from beside it toward a target.