11 I continued to watch because of the impressive words that the horn was speaking. I watched until the animal was killed. Its body was destroyed and put into a raging fire.
12 The power of the rest of the animals was taken away, but they were allowed to live for a period of time.
13 In my visions during the night, I saw among the clouds in heaven someone like the Son of Man. He came to the Ancient One, who has lived for endless years, and was presented to him.
14 He was given power, honor, and a kingdom. People from every province, nation, and language were to serve him. His power is an eternal power that will not be taken away. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
15 I, Daniel, was deeply troubled, and my visions frightened me.
16 I went to someone who was standing there and asked him to tell me the truth about all this. So he told me what all this meant.
17 He said, “These four large animals are four kingdoms that will rise to power on the earth.