1 While Ezra was praying, confessing ⌊these sins⌋, crying, and throwing himself down in front of God’s temple, a large crowd of Israelite men, women, and children gathered around him. They also began to cry bitterly.
2 Then Shecaniah, son of Jehiel, one of the descendants of Elam, interrupted by saying to Ezra, “We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women who came from the people around us. However, there is still hope for Israel.
3 So we must now make a promise to our God to get rid of all foreign women and the children born from them, as my lord ⌊Ezra⌋ and the others who tremble at the commandments of our God have advised us to do. We must do what Moses’ Teachings tell us.
4 Get up! It’s your duty to take action. We are with you, so be strong and take action.”
5 Then Ezra got up and made the leaders, priests, Levites, and all the rest of Israel swear to do what they had said. So they took an oath.