8 Prophets are God’s watchmen over Ephraim.Yet, traps are set on every prophet’s path,and people are hostile in the temple of their God.
9 People have deeply corrupted themselves as they once did at Gibeah.God will remember their wickednessand punish them because of their sins.
10 ⌊The Lord said,⌋ “When I found Israel,it was like finding grapes in the desert.When I saw your ancestors,it was like seeing the first figs of the harvest.But they went to Baal Peor and worshiped shameful idols.They became as disgusting as the things they worshiped.
11 “Ephraim’s glory will fly away like a bird.There will be no more pregnancies, births, or babies.
12 Even if they bring up children,I will take those children away before they grow up.Yes, how horrible it will be for them when I leave them.
13 I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted in a pleasant place.But the people of Ephraim will bring out their childrento be killed.”
14 Lord, give them what they deserve.Make the women miscarry,or else make them unable to nurse their babies.