19 The trees that remain in the forest will be so few thata child could count them.
20 At that time the remaining few Israelites,the survivors of Jacob’s descendantswill no longer depend on the one who struck them.They will only depend on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
21 A few, the remaining few of Jacob, will return to the mighty God.
22 Although your people Israel may beas ⌊numerous as⌋ the grains of sand on the seashore,only a few will return.Destruction will be complete and fair.
23 The Almighty Lord of Armies will carry out this destructionthroughout the world as he has determined.
24 The Almighty Lord of Armies says:My people who live in Zion,don’t be afraid of the Assyrians when they strike with a rodor when they raise their staff against youas the Egyptians did.
25 Very soon I will unleash my fury,and my anger will destroy them.