16 I will lead the blind on unfamiliar roads.I will lead them on unfamiliar paths.I will turn darkness into light in front of them.I will make rough places smooth.These are the things I will do for them,and I will never abandon them.
17 Then those who trust idolsand those who say to statues,“You are our gods”will be turned away and put to shame.
18 Listen, you deaf people.Look, you blind people, so that you can see.
19 Who is blind except my servantor deaf like the messenger I send?Who is blind like the one who has my trustor blind like the servant of the Lord?
20 You have seen much, but you do not observe anything.Your ears are open, but you hear nothing.
21 The Lord is pleased because he does what is right.He praises the greatness of his teachings and makes them glorious.
22 But these people are robbed and looted.They are all trapped in pits and hidden in prisons.They have become prey with no one to rescue them.They have become loot with no one to say, “Give it back.”