16 The Lord of Armies will be honored when he judges.The holy God will show himself to be holy when he does what is right.
17 Then lambs will graze as if they were in their own pasture,and foreigners will eat among the ruins of the rich.
18 How horrible it will be for thosewho string people along with lies and empty promises,whose lives are sinful.
19 They say,“Let God hurry and quickly do his workso that we may see what he has in mind.Let the plan of the Holy One of Israel happen quicklyso that we may understand what he is doing.”
20 How horrible it will be for thosewho call evil good and good evil,who turn darkness into light and light into darkness,who turn what is bitter into something sweetand what is sweet into something bitter.
21 How horrible it will be for thosewho think they are wiseand consider themselves to be clever.
22 How horrible it will be for thosewho are heroes at drinking wine,who are champions at mixing drinks,