1 But there will be no more gloomfor the land that is in distress.God humbled the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali in earlier times.But in the future he will bring glory to the road by the sea,to the land across the Jordan River,to Galilee, where foreigners live.
2 The people who walk in darkness will see a bright light.The light will shine on those who live in the land of death’s shadow.
3 You will expand the nation and increase its happiness.It will be happy in your presencelike those who celebrate the harvestor rejoice when dividing loot.
4 You will break the yoke that burdens them,the bar that is across their shoulders,and the stick used by their oppressor,as ⌊you did in the battle against⌋ Midian.
5 Every warrior’s boot marching to the sound of battleand every garment rolled in bloodwill be burned as fuel in the fire.
6 A child will be born for us.A son will be given to us.The government will rest on his shoulders.He will be named:Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God,Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace.
7 His government and peace will have unlimited growth.He will establish David’s throne and kingdom.He will uphold it with justice and righteousness now and forever.The Lord of Armies is determined to do this!