17 “The people of Israel are like scattered sheep that lions have chased.The first to devour them was the king of Assyria.The last to gnaw at their bones was King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
18 “This is what the Lord of Armies, the God of Israel, says:I am going to punish the king of Babylon and his landas I punished the king of Assyria.
19 I will bring the people of Israel back to their pastures.They will eat on Mount Carmel and Mount Bashan.They will eat until they are fullon the mountains of Ephraim and Gilead.
20 In those days and at that time,” declares the Lord,“people will look for Israel’s crimes, but they will find none.They will look for Judah’s sins, but none will be found.I will forgive the faithful few whom I have spared.
21 Attack the land of Merathaimand the people who live in Pekod.Claim them for me by killing them with a sword,”declares the Lord.“Do everything I commanded you.
22 The noise of battle and great destruction fills the land.
23 The hammer of the whole earth is broken and shattered.See how desolate Babylon is of all the nations!