29 “This will be a permanent law for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month both native Israelites and foreigners must humble themselves. They must do no work.
30 On this day Aaron will make peace with the Lord to make you clean. Then you will be clean from all your sins in the Lord’s presence.
31 This is the most important worship festival there is for you. You will humble yourselves. It is a permanent law.
32 The priest who is anointed and ordained to serve as chief priest in his father’s place will pay for sins. He will put on the holy linen clothes
33 and will make peace with the Lord at the holy place, the tent of meeting, and the altar. He will make peace with the Lord for the priests and all the worshipers.
34 “This permanent law tells you how to make peace with the Lord once a year for all the sins the Israelites committed.”Aaron did as the Lord had commanded Moses.