4 We will not hide them from our children.We will tell the next generationabout the Lord’s power and great deedsand the miraculous things he has done.
5 He established written instructions for Jacob’s people.He gave his teachings to Israel.He commanded our ancestors to make them known to their children
6 so that the next generation would know them.Children yet to be born ⌊would learn them⌋.They will grow up and tell their children
7 to trust God, to remember what he has done,and to obey his commands.
8 Then they will not be like their ancestors,a stubborn and rebellious generation.Their hearts were not loyal.Their spirits were not faithful to God.
9 The men of Ephraim, well-equipped with bows ⌊and arrows⌋,turned ⌊and ran⌋ on the day of battle.
10 They had not been faithful to God’s promise.They refused to follow his teachings.