14 When Trypho learnt that Simon had succeeded his brother Jonathan and that he was ready to meet him in battle, he sent this message to him:
15 “I am holding your brother Jonathan under arrest because while he was in office he did not pay his debts to the royal treasury.
16 However, I will release him if you will pay me three tonnes of silver and send two of his sons as hostages to guarantee that he will not revolt against us when he is released.”
17 Although Simon knew that they were deceiving him, he sent for the money and the two sons because he did not want to arouse the hostility of the Jews.
18 He was afraid that they might later say that Jonathan was put to death because Simon would not send the money and the boys.
19 So he did as Trypho had demanded, but Trypho broke his promise and did not release Jonathan.
20 Then Trypho made a move to invade the land and destroy it, circling round by the road to Adora. But Simon and his army moved along facing him wherever he went.