20 Then Trypho made a move to invade the land and destroy it, circling round by the road to Adora. But Simon and his army moved along facing him wherever he went.
21 The enemy soldiers in the fort in Jerusalem kept sending messengers to Trypho urging him to come to them quickly by way of the desert and to send them supplies.
22 Trypho got all his cavalry ready for the invasion, but that night there was a heavy snowstorm, and he was not able to move up into the hills. So he withdrew and went into Gilead.
23 When he was near Baskama, he had Jonathan put to death and his body was buried there.
24 Then Trypho turned and went back to his own country.
25 Simon had the body of his brother Jonathan brought to Modein, to be buried in the town of their ancestors.
26 Everyone in Israel was in deep sorrow at the loss of Jonathan, and they mourned for him a long time.