31 Hezekiah said to the people, “Now that you are ritually clean, bring sacrifices as offerings of thanksgiving to the Lord.” They obeyed, and some of them also voluntarily brought animals to be sacrificed as burnt offerings.
32 They brought seventy bulls, 100 sheep, and 200 lambs as burnt offerings for the Lord;
33 they also brought 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep as sacrifices for the people to eat.
34 Since there were not enough priests to kill all these animals, the Levites helped them until the work was finished. By then more priests had made themselves ritually clean. (The Levites were more faithful in keeping ritually clean than the priests were.)
35 In addition to offering the sacrifices that were burnt whole, the priests were responsible for burning the fat that was offered from the sacrifices which the people ate, and for pouring out the wine that was presented with the burnt offerings.And so worship in the Temple was begun again.
36 King Hezekiah and the people were happy, because God had helped them to do all this so quickly.