30 I gathered you together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But now what can I do with you? I will banish you from my sight;
31 and even when you offer sacrifices to me, I will turn away from you. Your religious festivals, your New Moon celebrations, or your circumcision ceremonies mean nothing to me.
32 I sent you my servants, the prophets, but you killed them and mutilated their corpses. I will make you pay for murdering them.
33 “The Lord Almighty says: Your Temple is abandoned. I will scatter you like straw blown away by the wind.
34 Your children will have no descendants because they rejected my commandments and did what I hated, just as you did.
35 I will give your home to a people that is about to appear. They will believe me, even though they have not yet heard of me. They will do what I command, even though I never performed any miracles for them.
36 They have not seen the prophets, but they will live by their ancient teachings.