22 Please send your Holy Spirit to me, so that I can write down everything that has been done in this world from the beginning, everything that was written in your Law. Then in these last days, people will be able to find the right way and obtain life if they want to.”
23 He answered, “Go and call the people together and tell them not to look for you for forty days.
24 Prepare a large number of writing tablets, and take with you these five men who can write fast: Seraiah, Dabriah, Shelemiah, Ethan, and Asiel.
25 Then come here, and I will light the lamp of understanding in your heart, and it will not go out until you have finished what you are supposed to write.
26 When you have finished your work, you will make some of it public, and you will give the rest to some wise people, who will keep it secret. Tomorrow at this time you will begin to write.”
27 I did as I was commanded and called all the people together. I said,
28 “Listen to what I have to say, people of Israel.