39 But the winds from the east will prevail and push back those angry storm clouds that were about to bring destruction.
40-41 Huge, powerful, angry storm clouds will arise and ruin the whole world and its people. A terrible storm of fire, hail, and flashing swords will come sweeping down on those who have power and authority. Every river will overflow into the fields, and the floods
42 will demolish cities, walls, mountains, hills, forests, and crops.
43-44 This destruction will press on until it reaches Babylon and engulfs it in a raging storm of ruin. The dust and the smoke will form a great cloud reaching to the sky, and all the neighbouring cities will mourn for Babylon.
45 Anyone who survives will become a slave to those who destroyed the city.
46-47 You, Asia, are to be pitied. You are doomed! You have enjoyed the splendour and glory of Babylon. You have imitated her and dressed up your daughters to look like prostitutes to please and gratify your lovers, who have always lusted for you.
48 Because you have imitated that vile prostitute in everything she has done or planned, God has this to say: