8 I will oppose him. I will make an example of him. I will remove him from the community of my people, so that you will know that I am the Lord.
9 “If a prophet is deceived into giving a false answer, it is because I, the Lord, have deceived him. I will remove him from the people of Israel.
10 Both the prophet and the one who consults him will get the same punishment.
11 I will do this to keep the Israelites from deserting me and defiling themselves by their sins. They are to be my people, and I will be their God.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
12 The Lord spoke to me.
13 “Mortal man,” he said, “if a country sins and is unfaithful to me, I will stretch out my hand and destroy its supply of food. I will send a famine and kill people and animals alike.
14 Even if those three men, Noah, Danel, and Job, were living there, their goodness would save only their own lives.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.