37 My master made me promise with a vow to obey his command. He said, ‘Do not choose a wife for my son from the young women in the land of Canaan.
38 Instead, go to my father's people, to my relatives, and choose a wife for him.’
39 And I asked my master, ‘What if she will not come with me?’
40 He answered, ‘The Lord, whom I have always obeyed, will send his angel with you and give you success. You will get for my son a wife from my own people, from my father's family.
41 There is only one way for you to be free from your vow: if you go to my relatives and they refuse you, then you will be free.’
42 “When I came to the well today, I prayed, ‘Lord, God of my master Abraham, please give me success in what I am doing.
43 Here I am at the well. When a young woman comes out to get water, I will ask her to give me a drink of water from her jar.